Save Money With One Stop Services


One company to manage your fire and electrical safety responsibilities

PAT Testing · Testing of Fire Alarms and Emergency Lighting

Fire Risk Assessments · EICR · Remedials Works

we work with Small and Medium Sized Businesses, Landlords, Property Managers and Block Managers

Save money with one stop FIRE SAFETY

Having multiple tests or assessments carried out at the same time saves you and us time and money.

Skilled and highly trained we are able to carry out fire alarm, emergency lighting, and fire risk assessments at the same time if required.

Get in touch for a free quote to save money over your existing fire company.

FIRE risk assessmentS

Comply with The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. For businesses and landlords a fire risk assessment will ensure you comply with the law, ensure the safety of your staff, customers and tradesman and protect your business premises from the risk of fire.

A quote to fulfil requirements will be arranged.

Fire Alarm testing - PANEL SYSTEMS

Grade A systems. In properties with fire alarm panel systems, a test should be carried out at six month intervals to ensure working order of the system, its detectors, any call points and batteries are in good condition to support the system for 24 hours. Other systems may require testing more often.

Emergency Lighting Testing & verification

Properties with emergency lighting systems usually require an annual test as a minimum. Systems should also be tested monthly in most settings and and sleeping accommodation.

PAT (Portable appliance testing)

If you own or manage a property or have staff then you will almost certainly need to ensure that the electrical appliances in a property are safe to use. The recognised way to ensure safety is to carry out a PAT test.

The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 require that any electrical equipment that has the potential to cause injury is maintained in a safe condition. This applies to landlords also.

Smoke & HEAT detector testing

It is good practice and a legal requirement to test each smoke detector annually when part of a Grade D system or when simple stand alone detectors are in place.

Each detector should be visually inspected, tested for functionality and the date of manufacture/expiry date recorded. Smoke detectors have a recommended life span of ten years after which they should be replaced. Batteries/back up batteries can be replaced also.


Fire safety within apartment blocks is at the forefront of residents and managers minds. We can take away the hassle and stress by managing the full fire safety obligations for you.

Get in touch

Use the form below to tell us about your enquiry, and we’ll call you back. If we cannot reach you by phone we will send an email reply. Our general response time is one business day.




Panda Property Compliance
Lenton Business Centre

@☎ email and Phone
075399 48227